It’s Never Too Late To Take A Risk – A Lesson from My Dad

It’s been nothing less than interesting unfolding the legacy my dad left. Fortunately, I have realized a lot about him that I never took notice of while he was alive. Of coarse, most aspects I knew while he was here, but never captured the essence of them until just recently.

I laced up my Nike running shoes one morning and went for a brisk prayer run in Georgetown. I usually do not run trails because I don’t find them as exciting as the streets. You know, having the thrill of running in the streets, barely dodging cars as puddles of water are violently splashed on you from a passing Ford F-150. Sorry. I am running and praying on the C & O Trail. I was praying particularly to first live up to the expectations God has for me, and secondly, live up to the expected legacy from my dad. It was on mile two when I began naming some of his many accomplishments when I realized that he was a purposefully, calculated risk taker. Let me explain a little further.

He began to invest in real estate while I was in my teens (I think). He bought and flipped many properties and rented them out. He wrote a book; it hasn’t published…yet. He started churches in Georgia and Mississippi. He even began a Negro Anthology, taking a show on the road and sang nearly-forgotten negro spirituals to a variety of audiences. He also channeled his energy as an extra in TV and film. In fact, he was an extra on The Resident and even Greenleaf. This one is huge: he remarried his sweetheart (my mom) after a twenty-plus year hiatus! These are just some of the planned-out risks that my dad took. However, what I am most proud of? He was in the 21 Savage video ‘A Lot’!

ROn a serious note, MY DAD WAS IN A 21 SAVAGE VIDEO! I was joking about that being my proudest moment of him (kinda). On a really serious note, I started to wind down my prayer run and realized that a lot (A Lot) of what he accomplished was after the age of 60. I am well aware that I have had thoughts that I am too old to do this or that, like go back to school or learn how to swim (don’t judge me). However, when I look at my dad’s life, I am reminded that I can do whatever I dream at any age.

And that’s a lesson that will keep me working with No Off Season…

